What is Homeopathy?

Understanding Homeopathy
Derived from the Greek words “homoios” meaning “like” and “pathos” meaning “suffering,” homeopathy operates on the principle of “like cures like.” This means that a substance causing symptoms in a healthy individual can alleviate similar symptoms in a person who is unwell. For instance, the homeopathic remedy Allium Cepa, prepared from onion, can be beneficial for hayfever symptoms like watery eyes or runny nose.
The Homeopathy Consultation
A homeopathy consultation is unlike a typical doctor’s appointment, recognizing each patient’s unique experience of illness. Homeopaths take a holistic approach, considering
not only the physical symptoms but also the mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of the individual. During the consultation, the homeopath will ask detailed questions about the patient’s health history, lifestyle, and emotional well-being to understand the root cause of the illness. This personalized approach allows for the creation of a tailored
treatment plan that addresses the individual’s unique needs.
Benefits of Homeopathy
Homeopathy offers treatment for a wide range of acute and chronic conditions, often complementing conventional medicine. It stimulates the body’s self-regulatory and
defence systems to initiate the healing process safely. Homeopathy treats a variety of health issues, including allergies, skin conditions, digestive problems, reproductive and
respiratory infections. It is known for its gentle nature, making it suitable for people of all ages, including infants, pregnant women, and the elderly. Homeopathic remedies are non-toxic and free from side effects, making them a safe alternative or complementary treatment option.
Homeopathy and Infertility
In addition to its application in various health conditions, homeopathy is increasingly sought after for its potential role in addressing infertility issues. Many individuals and
couples facing challenges turn to homeopathy to support their journey to conception. Homeopathic remedies may help regulate hormones, improve reproductive
health, and address underlying emotional stressors that can impact fertility.
The Homeopathy and Infertility Journey
Those embarking on a journey to overcome infertility often integrate homeopathy into their treatment plans. Homeopathic practitioners work closely with patients to identify and address the root causes of infertility, offering personalised remedies and lifestyle recommendations to optimise fertility and enhance overall well-being. The journey to conception with homeopathy can be empowering, offering hope and support along the way.
Safety and Regulations
In South Africa, homeopathic practitioners undergo rigorous training, completing a five- year full-time clinical degree. This comprehensive education equips them with the
necessary skills to diagnose and treat patients effectively. Homeopaths are registered with the Allied Health Professions Council of South Africa (AHPCSA), ensuring
standards of practice and allowing for recognition by medical schemes. Additionally, homeopathic practitioners may belong to professional associations such as the
Homeopathic Association of South Africa (HSA), that uphold standards of practice and ethics. However, individuals should verify their practitioners’ qualifications, coverage for
homeopathic consultations and medicines with their specific medical schemes.
Homeopathy takes a
long time to work
This is simply not true. In acute illnesses such as a cold or acute pain, the accurately
prescribed medication can be known to work almost instantly. In chronic conditions like
eczema and arthritis, the healing process can take more time, depending on the
particular patient and the circumstances of the case.
Homeopathy hasn’t been
proven to be effective
Here is an extensive list of some verified and scientific papers that have been published
on the success of homeopathy.
Homeopathy cannot work with conventional allopathic medicine
Book your Homeopathic Appointment
Homeopathic medicines
Storage, care and how to use Homeopathic medicines

How to take homeopathic medicines
- Homeopathic medicines are usually taken orally, under the tongue. Most homeopathic medicines are usually prepared as liquid drops (very useful for infants and babies), pillules, granules or powders. Homeopathic creams and ointments are also used for topical application.
- As a matter of hygiene, it is best not to handle the medicines with your hands, but rather use the cap of the bottle to pour out the dose and empty it under the tongue.
- When taking the medicine, it is advised to usually allow a 15 – 20 minute time period
between eating, drinking or brushing teeth before or after taking a homeopathic medicine.
How to store and care for homeopathic medicines
- Store medicines out of reach of children
- As with most medicines, store homeopathic medicines in a cool, dry place (below 25 0 C),
out of direct sunlight and away from strong smells such as spices, perfumes and aromatherapy and essential oils. - Once you have taken the medicine, ensure that you close the container immediately to prevent contamination.
- If you happen to spill the medicine, do not return the spilled contents back into the
container, but rather discard it.